common names by territory

links to information for names common by territory

Click the a link below to be redirected to the online Territorial website most likely to be able to provide assistance for Common Names.

  • Akwesasne - Land Where the Patridge Drums
    On the St. Lawrence River straddling the US/Canadian border near Cornwall, Ontario and Massena, NY.
    Adams, Arquette, Barnes, Benedict, Cole, Conners, Cook, Cree, David, Delormier, Francis, Garrow (Gorrow), Herne, Jacobs, Jock, Lazore (Lazare), Leaf, Loran, McDonald, Mitchell, Oakes, Phillips, Ransom, Rourke, Seymour, Smoke, Sunday, Swamp, Tarbell, Terrance, Thomas, Thompson, White
    Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Office of Vital Statistics
    Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Membership Office

  • Ganienkeh - Land of the Flint
    Located near the town of Altona, West - No Listings

  • Kahnawake - By the Rapids
    Along the St. Lawrence River, south of Montreal, Quebec
    Albany, Alfred, Armstrong, Barnes, Beauvais, Bush, Cross, Curotte, D’Ailleboust, Deer, Delaronde, Delisle, Delormier, Diabo, Goodleaf, Hemlock, Horn(e), Jacco, Jacobs, Kirby, Lahache, Lazare, Leborgne, Mayo, McComber, McGregor, Meloche, Montour, Morris, Nolan, Norton, Patton, Paul, Phillips, Rice, Robertson, Sky(e), Snow, Stacey, Standup, White, Williams, Zacharie (Zachary)
    Kahnawà:ke Kanien'kehá:ka Registry Office

  • Kana’tsiohare:ke – The clean pot

    Along the Mohawk River, east of Albany, NY. - No listings

  • Kanehsatake – At the woods edge

    On the Lake of Two Mountains, west of Montreal, Quebec on the north shore of the  Ottawa River
    Bonspille, Cree, Etienne, Gabriel, Nelson, Nicholas, Simon
    Kanesatake Lands, Estates and Membership (Oka)

  • Oshweken – Six Nations of the Grand River

    Along the Grand River, near Brantford, Ontario

    Anderson, Beaver, Bomberry, Claus(e), Curley, Davey, Doolittle, Doxtater, Garlow, General, Green(e), Henhawk, Henry, Hess, Hill, Jamieson, Johnson, Joseph, Lickers, Logan, Longboat, Maracle, Martin, Miller, Montour (Monture), Mt. Pleasant, Porter, Powless, Skye, Smith, Staats, Styres, Squire, Thomas, white, Williams, Vanevery
    Six Nations Lands & Membership Office

  • Tyendinaga – Placing the wood together

    Along the Bay of Quinte near Belleville, Ontario.

    Bernhardt, Brant, Green, Hill, Loft, Maracle, Smith
    Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Membership

  • Wahta – Maple

    In the Muskoka Lakes region of Georgian Bay, North of Toronto

    Commandant, Decaire, Dewasha, Fox, Franks, Hay, Sahanatien, Stock, Strength, Thompson, White
    Wahta Membership Office