
Genealogy and historical society


2024 Heritage Fair

March 2, 2024

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

St. Regis Mohawk School

Remembering Col. Louis Cook & Honoring All American Veterans



9:00               Welcome - Ohenton Karihwatehkwen

10:00            President Tom Cook & American Legion

11:30 Keeping up with your records at home  – Lillian Benedict-Barton


1:00               It’s All about the Land - Gerald Taiaiake Alfred

2:00               Cornwall Museum & Genealogy

2:30               Saint-Laurent Inc. Genealogy & Archives

3:00               Shonatatén:ron - Rick Oakes 

4:00               Open Discussion

                           Door Prize drawings

                           Closing Words – Tom Cook

 Informational Tables

Kahwatsi:re Research – Resources for conducting genealogy research

Kahwatsi:re Projects – Charles Cook Papers & Kansas Applications

Cornwall Museum & Genealogy – Research resources

Saint-Laurent Inc. Genealogy & Archives – Research resources

Ironworkers Display – photo collage

Col. Louis Cook – History of a notable veteran

It’s All about the Land - Gerald Taiaiake Alfred

Family Photo Scanning – Bring in your family photos for digitizing

What we do



The Kahwatsi:re Akwesasne & Genealogy & Historical Society holds a family tree database with over 10,000 names with some families dating back to the 1500s.  We have access to search the St. Regis Catholic Church records, Kansas Applications from the early 1900s, published obituaries many other resources. 


Akwesasne is a Mohawk word that means “place of partridges.”  Located on the St. Lawrence River at the 45th parallel, it is where the countries of Canada and the United States; the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and the state of New York come together.

Native voices

The Native Voices series was aired in 1978 and 1979 with host Louie Cook and stories told by Ray Fadden on WSLU (St. Lawrence University) radio. Funding to digitize, edit and air segments was provided by Onaway Trust and Plenty International. 

Tune in to CKON 97.3 FM and Karennaon:we 87.9 FM Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and repeated on Tuesday evenings at 8:30 p.m.

Conservation as the Indian Saw It - 12/20/2021

Contemporary Iroquois Stories - 12/27/2021

Iroquois Hats and Bear Story - 01/03/2022

Migration of the Iroquois - 01/10/2022

Haudenosaunee History - 01/17/2022

Iroquois Lesson Stories - 01/24/2022

Native American Contributions to Society - 01/31/2022

You are on Indian Land - Part 1 (Contributions) - 02/07/2022

You are on Indian Land - Part 2 (Stereotypes) - 02/14/2022

You are on Indian Land - Part 3 (Songs and Dance) - 02/21/2022

Little People and Great Bear - (02/28/2022)

Insight into the history

Video series featuring Society Board Members discussing some of the history and projects being undertaken.

Aimee Benedict discusses the 1954 Iroquois Personal Names document authored by Charles Cooke containing over 6,000 traditional Iroquois names, their meanings...
Akwesasne Kahwatsi:re Genealogy and Historical Society provides information about what the Society offers presented by Tom Cook, President.
One of the founders, Bernice Lazore presents a history of the Society.